Acai Health Benefits:
What is known about the Acai berry fruit health benefits, backed by scientific research into the fruits properties, is quite substantial. Acai is a rich source of anthocyanins and other phenolics and phyto-nutrients. Acai berries are amongst the most nutritious foods of the Amazon, rich in B vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Acai also contains oleic acid (omega-9), a beneficial fatty acid (often mistakenly referred to as essential).
Minerals found in Acai Berry: Potassium is the mineral most abundant in the Acai. Acai is also rich in copper, and unusually high in manganese. Only a small portion supplies far more than the body needs of this ultra-trace mineral.
Acai Phytonutrients: Anthocyanins are compounds that have potent antioxidant activity, allowing for the neutralization of potentially harmful free radicals. The famous research regarding the "French Paradox" attributes anthocyanins as being the antioxidant that protects the French from heart disease. The French are known to consume large amounts of coffee, nicotine, sugar, white flour, cheese and saturated fats, yet they have a very low rate of heart disease compared to neighboring countries like the UK and Denmark. The red wine grape, due to its anthocyanins is what is believed to be responsible for the very low incidence of heart disease. While red wine has good quantities of anthocyanins, the Acai berry has been shown to contain many times the anthocyanins levels of red wine. Back
By neutralizing these free radicals, anthocyanins from the Acai berry may actually serve to maintain the healthy function of numerous systems and organs. Some of the anthocyanins that have been found in Acai include cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-glucoside-coumarate. Other phenolics include catechin and epi-catechin (the same compounds in green tea), quercetin derivatives and other flavonoids. It is likely that the synergistic effects of these compounds, as present in Acai fruit are responsible for its potent antioxidant activities.
ORAC Scale: The Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC) assay measures the total antioxidant activity of a biological sample. It’s a test developed for the USDA by scientists at Tufts University to measure the antioxidant speed and power of foods and supplements. The ORAC scale is used in human, agricultural, food and pharmaceutical products, as well as food ingredients and is quickly becoming the accepted standard for comparing antioxidant potential in foods and supplements.
Acai Antioxidant Benefits: For the average Western person to cope with all the reactive oxygen and free radicals they will encounter on a daily basis, foods and beverages totalling an ORAC value of at least 2000 units per day are needed. It’s been estimated that 80-90 percent of the world’s population fails to consume even half of this level. Acai is reputed to be extremely high on the ORAC scale and provides levels multiple times that of many anthocyanin-rich fruits and vegetables, such as cherries, cranberries and mulberries.
Aging Population: As the population ages, 80% of older people in Western countries will develop at least one chronic metabolic disease. If the USDA says that high-ORAC foods may slow aging and prevent metabolic disease from occurring, isn't it about time you increased the quantity of antioxidants in your diet to prevent this process from occurring in the first place?
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Acai Juice Commercial Exploitation
Acai Juice Commercial Exploitation
Palm Hearts: Acai and other Euterpe palm trees are the subject of commercial exploitation in South America. Palm hearts, eaten worldwide as a vegetable, are obtained by cutting the palm and removing the crown shaft, in which the heart is found. Palm hearts are the tender, whitish immature leaves of the palm frond just above the growing point on each stem. Although it has almost no nutritious value, palm hearts have been a staple food enjoyed by the local populations for generations and have also become a economic resource and export product for many rainforest countries. France, followed by the U.S. are the largest importers of palm hearts. There are over 120 registered palm heart processors operating in the Amazon, with a multitude of smaller unregistered family operations selling their harvests to the larger facilities with onsite canning operations. Originally, much of the commercial palm heart production in South America beginning in the 1960's came from a different palm tree, Euterpe edulis, which only produces a single trunk. (However, one large tree can yield up to 50 pounds of palm hearts.) Because the tree must be felled to extract the palm heart, palm heart exploitation without any adequate management severely decimated the wild populations of this species at an alarming rate.
After many native E. edulis palm groves disappeared, harvesters began using the acai palm as a more sustainable alternative since it produces many stems/trunks. Unlike it's cousin, when one of the Acai's stems is cut, more stems will grow back on the same root system and the cutting of some of the stems encourages fruiting on the remaining stems. Acai palm (E. oleracea) is now the world's main source of palm hearts. While Acai does offer a more sustainable alternative, it does not ensure that the correct exploitative harvesting methods will be used to guarantee the plant's survival. Huge stands of Acai palm are often over-exploited and sometimes entire groves are clear-felled for palm heart exploitation. Currently, there is a shortage of raw materials in many locations in the Amazon River estuary due to over-harvesting and a lack of sustainable management of native stands; palm heart processing plants in the area generally operate only 2-3 days per week. Ref:
Most botanists concur that palm heart harvesting of any palm species is probably an unsustainable practice due to the damage done and the trees wasted in the process. The Acai palm's future does look rosy however, due to the rapidly growing profitable export market for the Acai fruit. Profits gleaned from sustainable harvesting of the Acai fruit are quickly outstripping the profits from unsustainable harvesting of the palm heart.
Palm Hearts: Acai and other Euterpe palm trees are the subject of commercial exploitation in South America. Palm hearts, eaten worldwide as a vegetable, are obtained by cutting the palm and removing the crown shaft, in which the heart is found. Palm hearts are the tender, whitish immature leaves of the palm frond just above the growing point on each stem. Although it has almost no nutritious value, palm hearts have been a staple food enjoyed by the local populations for generations and have also become a economic resource and export product for many rainforest countries. France, followed by the U.S. are the largest importers of palm hearts. There are over 120 registered palm heart processors operating in the Amazon, with a multitude of smaller unregistered family operations selling their harvests to the larger facilities with onsite canning operations. Originally, much of the commercial palm heart production in South America beginning in the 1960's came from a different palm tree, Euterpe edulis, which only produces a single trunk. (However, one large tree can yield up to 50 pounds of palm hearts.) Because the tree must be felled to extract the palm heart, palm heart exploitation without any adequate management severely decimated the wild populations of this species at an alarming rate.
After many native E. edulis palm groves disappeared, harvesters began using the acai palm as a more sustainable alternative since it produces many stems/trunks. Unlike it's cousin, when one of the Acai's stems is cut, more stems will grow back on the same root system and the cutting of some of the stems encourages fruiting on the remaining stems. Acai palm (E. oleracea) is now the world's main source of palm hearts. While Acai does offer a more sustainable alternative, it does not ensure that the correct exploitative harvesting methods will be used to guarantee the plant's survival. Huge stands of Acai palm are often over-exploited and sometimes entire groves are clear-felled for palm heart exploitation. Currently, there is a shortage of raw materials in many locations in the Amazon River estuary due to over-harvesting and a lack of sustainable management of native stands; palm heart processing plants in the area generally operate only 2-3 days per week. Ref:
Most botanists concur that palm heart harvesting of any palm species is probably an unsustainable practice due to the damage done and the trees wasted in the process. The Acai palm's future does look rosy however, due to the rapidly growing profitable export market for the Acai fruit. Profits gleaned from sustainable harvesting of the Acai fruit are quickly outstripping the profits from unsustainable harvesting of the palm heart.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Acai Juice Distribution & Habitat
Acai Juice Distribution & Habitat
The Acai
Palm is widely distributed and is very common throughout northern South
America. The natural habit of the Acai Palm tends to be along river edges and
seasonal flood plains and is mostly found along water courses of Brazil. Acai
Palm is also cultivated extensively and grown in organic, chemical free
conditions in the vast Amazon River estuary.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Acai Juice Background Information
Acai Juice Background Information
Background information: The Acai Palm belongs to a family
of over 1200 species comprising 32 distinct generic groups and are widely
regarded as one of the most useful plant families in the world. Uses include
food, clothing, oil for cooking, drinks, clothing, weapons, building materials,
and containers.
Most mature Acai palm trees in the wild develop 4-8 stems
from a single seed and root system. It isn't uncommon for the Acai palm to
sprout up to 25 or more shoots all growing as individual Acai palms. Acai palm
has adapted well to live and thrive in seasonally flooded areas in soils often
waterlogged for months. The Acai Palm produces quite small male and female
flowers of a brown to purple color.
The Acai Palm produces a highly nutritious
edible berry which grows in dense bunches typical of many palms. Acai fruit
ripens from a green color to a dark rich purple. Each Acai stem normally
produces four to eight bunches of fruit throughout the year making it one of
the most prolific fruiting palms in the forest. The bunches of ripe fruits are
heaviest in the dry season (July to December) with individual bunches weighing
up to 6 kg. One Acai palm stem usually yields an average of 24 kgs plus of
fruit per year. Seed disbursement from their droppings ensures continual
propagation of the species. The Acai palm is perhaps the most common palm found
throughout the lowland flood areas of northern South AmericaWednesday, April 25, 2012
Other Acai Juice Benefits
Other Acai Juice Benefits
Dietary fiber and plant sterols can help improve digestion,
promote weight loss and control cholesterol, and Acai berries are high in both.
These are just a few of the health benefits of Acai juice.
Health Benefits of Acai Juice
One of the tastiest ways to add Acai as a part of a daily diet is through an Acai juice. Some Acai-based juice not only include the health benefits of the Acai berry, but also the additional benefits of other fruits which are included in the juice, such a bananas, bilberries, nashi pears and kiwi, to name a few. Acai juice is a delicious way to reap all its nutritional benefits and start down the road to good health.
Health Benefits of Acai Juice
One of the tastiest ways to add Acai as a part of a daily diet is through an Acai juice. Some Acai-based juice not only include the health benefits of the Acai berry, but also the additional benefits of other fruits which are included in the juice, such a bananas, bilberries, nashi pears and kiwi, to name a few. Acai juice is a delicious way to reap all its nutritional benefits and start down the road to good health.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Good Reasons to Start Consuming Acai Berry Juices
Good Reasons to Start Consuming Acai Berry Juices
1. Increased protection
against disease - The phenols contained within the Acai berry help protect the
body from disease.
2. Provides high level of nutrients - The Acai berry juice has its myriad of antioxidants and other minerals needed to provide nutrients and free radical scavengers.
3. Helps increase immune system - The chemical compounds that are found in the Acai berry products have many different benefits some include the fact that some compounds are anti-mutagenic, this in turn helps fight against cellular degeneration. The Acai berry can also help prevent attacks against your DNA.
4. Strengthens the body - The Acai berry is said to strengthen the body in many ways and even in sexual responses. 5. Sense of well-being - The Acai berry contains phytoceuticals which are similar to the compound found in wine grapes. The other cause for this feeling is the high levels of antioxidants contained within the Acai berry. 6. Restorative abilities - The Acai berry contains high levels of antioxidants and is classified as a "super" or "powerful" food due to the fact they help restore other antioxidants like Vitamins C and E as well as glutathione.
7. Helps fight back against diseases - As pathogens, antigens, carcinogens and mutagens enter the body or which have been created by the human metabolism cause havoc to cell membranes and mitochondrial DNA. The Acai berry fights these by the use of phytonutrients and eliminating stress.
8. Helps the eyes - Vision is often one thing affected as people get older. 9. Contains the right fatty acids - The Acai berry contains the right quality fatty acids your body needs like (omega) iron, amino acids, dietary fibre and other vitamins including vitamin P. 10. Helps with digestion - Enzymes and other co-factors that are seen as vital nutrients in the digestion process are all are found within the Acai berry. 11. Youthful energy- The Acai berry is known for its ability to give a youthful like energy as it strengthens the bodies immune system and freeing up energy for other uses that are needed on a day to day basis.
12. Helps lower cholesterol - The Acai berry has some of the same properties as the likes of Olive oil by lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol. 13. Loaded with Vitamins & Minerals - Vitamins B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), C (Ascorbic acid), E (Tocopherols), iron potassium and phosphorous are all vital to the cell's well being. These are all found within the Acai berry.
14. Aids the Circulatory System - Flavonoid antioxidants found in the Acai berry aid all aspects of circulatory health. They strengthen the veins, protect against stroke, heart attacks and help stop atherosclerosis.
15. Cancer fighting properties - The phytochemicals in the flavonoids (Polyphenols) are anti-mutagenic, first fighting off cancerous causing cells, strengthening the immune system along with other potential physiological effects of anthocyanins include radiation protection, chemo protection, vaso-protective and anti inflammatory agents.
16. Lowers sugar levels - The Acai berry is unique as far as fruits sugar levels go. 17. Rich in Iron and Fibre - Iron and fibre are an important part of everyone's dietry needs and this is one of the key features contained within the Acai berry.
18. Aids in sleeping disorders - People suffering from sleeping disorders can benefit from the consumption of the Acai berry as it helps people sleep more normally and provides the nutrients to the muscles, helping them perform better and relax better.
19. Protein and Amino Acids - The proteins in this cellular building blocks which are Amino acids and components of proteins are found within the Acai berry. This is because the Acai berry has more protein than eggs and is loaded with amino acids.
20. Cleansing and detoxifying - The compounds found in the Acai berry are legionary and for centuries in folk law medicine the Acai berry has been used as a way of cleansing and detoxifying the body.
21. All the Macro minerals you need - The necessary minerals needed for your body is found within the Acai berry. This includes Potassium, sulphur, magnesium and phosphorous. Sulphur is known to improve the fight against acne, magnesium can help women with menopausal complications and potassium has been known to assist in improving heart health.
22. The lifestyle change - Once you decide to take Acai on a regular basis, be sure to talk your doctor about your new diet choices to discuss ways to maximize the benefits of Acai in your diet. Experience the difference that taking the Acai berry has made to others.
2. Provides high level of nutrients - The Acai berry juice has its myriad of antioxidants and other minerals needed to provide nutrients and free radical scavengers.
3. Helps increase immune system - The chemical compounds that are found in the Acai berry products have many different benefits some include the fact that some compounds are anti-mutagenic, this in turn helps fight against cellular degeneration. The Acai berry can also help prevent attacks against your DNA.
4. Strengthens the body - The Acai berry is said to strengthen the body in many ways and even in sexual responses. 5. Sense of well-being - The Acai berry contains phytoceuticals which are similar to the compound found in wine grapes. The other cause for this feeling is the high levels of antioxidants contained within the Acai berry. 6. Restorative abilities - The Acai berry contains high levels of antioxidants and is classified as a "super" or "powerful" food due to the fact they help restore other antioxidants like Vitamins C and E as well as glutathione.
7. Helps fight back against diseases - As pathogens, antigens, carcinogens and mutagens enter the body or which have been created by the human metabolism cause havoc to cell membranes and mitochondrial DNA. The Acai berry fights these by the use of phytonutrients and eliminating stress.
8. Helps the eyes - Vision is often one thing affected as people get older. 9. Contains the right fatty acids - The Acai berry contains the right quality fatty acids your body needs like (omega) iron, amino acids, dietary fibre and other vitamins including vitamin P. 10. Helps with digestion - Enzymes and other co-factors that are seen as vital nutrients in the digestion process are all are found within the Acai berry. 11. Youthful energy- The Acai berry is known for its ability to give a youthful like energy as it strengthens the bodies immune system and freeing up energy for other uses that are needed on a day to day basis.
12. Helps lower cholesterol - The Acai berry has some of the same properties as the likes of Olive oil by lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol. 13. Loaded with Vitamins & Minerals - Vitamins B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), C (Ascorbic acid), E (Tocopherols), iron potassium and phosphorous are all vital to the cell's well being. These are all found within the Acai berry.
14. Aids the Circulatory System - Flavonoid antioxidants found in the Acai berry aid all aspects of circulatory health. They strengthen the veins, protect against stroke, heart attacks and help stop atherosclerosis.
15. Cancer fighting properties - The phytochemicals in the flavonoids (Polyphenols) are anti-mutagenic, first fighting off cancerous causing cells, strengthening the immune system along with other potential physiological effects of anthocyanins include radiation protection, chemo protection, vaso-protective and anti inflammatory agents.
16. Lowers sugar levels - The Acai berry is unique as far as fruits sugar levels go. 17. Rich in Iron and Fibre - Iron and fibre are an important part of everyone's dietry needs and this is one of the key features contained within the Acai berry.
18. Aids in sleeping disorders - People suffering from sleeping disorders can benefit from the consumption of the Acai berry as it helps people sleep more normally and provides the nutrients to the muscles, helping them perform better and relax better.
19. Protein and Amino Acids - The proteins in this cellular building blocks which are Amino acids and components of proteins are found within the Acai berry. This is because the Acai berry has more protein than eggs and is loaded with amino acids.
20. Cleansing and detoxifying - The compounds found in the Acai berry are legionary and for centuries in folk law medicine the Acai berry has been used as a way of cleansing and detoxifying the body.
21. All the Macro minerals you need - The necessary minerals needed for your body is found within the Acai berry. This includes Potassium, sulphur, magnesium and phosphorous. Sulphur is known to improve the fight against acne, magnesium can help women with menopausal complications and potassium has been known to assist in improving heart health.
22. The lifestyle change - Once you decide to take Acai on a regular basis, be sure to talk your doctor about your new diet choices to discuss ways to maximize the benefits of Acai in your diet. Experience the difference that taking the Acai berry has made to others.
Health Benefits of Acai Juice
Health Benefits of Acai Juice
As more and more people
discover the health benefits of Acai juice, this humble fruit has gained
popularity worldwide. Men and women today want to live long, healthy lives and
have realized that diet plays a critical role in maintaining their vitality and
Acai Berries
The Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) palm tree grows naturally in the Brazilian rainforests, and is commonly along the banks of the Amazon River. The tree is typically 30 feet high and produces a fruit called Acai berries. These round, 1-inch black-purple berries look a bit like grapes but are smaller and have less pulp. They grow in large clusters and many trees have 500 to 900 berries growing on one branch.
One of the health benefits of Acai berries is its high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and anthocyanins.
The Role of Antioxidants
The name "antioxidant" describes its function. Antioxidants are molecules that stop or reduce the speed at which the body uses oxygen to produce substances that contribute to the aging process. One of these substances is free radicals, which in turn produce a type of chain reaction causing cell damage. Antioxidants reduce cell damage by either removing or limiting this chain action. Antioxidants are just one of the health benefits of Acai juice and Acai berry products.
Anthocyanins are what give the Acai berry its dark purple color. When it comes to anthocyains, the health benefits of Acai berry far outweigh red wine as the Acai berry has more than 10 times the amount of anthocyanin. Red wine has approximately 24 to 35 milligram per 100 grams whereas Acai berries contain over 320 milligram per 100 grams.
Acai Berries
The Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) palm tree grows naturally in the Brazilian rainforests, and is commonly along the banks of the Amazon River. The tree is typically 30 feet high and produces a fruit called Acai berries. These round, 1-inch black-purple berries look a bit like grapes but are smaller and have less pulp. They grow in large clusters and many trees have 500 to 900 berries growing on one branch.
One of the health benefits of Acai berries is its high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and anthocyanins.
The Role of Antioxidants
The name "antioxidant" describes its function. Antioxidants are molecules that stop or reduce the speed at which the body uses oxygen to produce substances that contribute to the aging process. One of these substances is free radicals, which in turn produce a type of chain reaction causing cell damage. Antioxidants reduce cell damage by either removing or limiting this chain action. Antioxidants are just one of the health benefits of Acai juice and Acai berry products.
Anthocyanins are what give the Acai berry its dark purple color. When it comes to anthocyains, the health benefits of Acai berry far outweigh red wine as the Acai berry has more than 10 times the amount of anthocyanin. Red wine has approximately 24 to 35 milligram per 100 grams whereas Acai berries contain over 320 milligram per 100 grams.
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